Module 3: Language & Communication
The events of the module will be held predominantly in English. Individual components may be held in German.
Course frequency and format
The courses for M3 are offered consecutively in the winter and summer terms.
The module includes the following courses:
M3.1 Lecture Series: Language Encounters (1 SWS, winter term)
M3.2 Seminar: From the fields of languages, literature, media, or philosophy in Africa (2 SWS, summer term)
M3.3 Language Course I (4 SWS, winter term)
M3.4 Language Course II (4 SWS, depending on the language course in winter term / summer term)

The module is to be completed either as a combination of three (lecture series M3.1, seminar M3.2 and language course M3.3) OR two (language course M3.3 and M3.4) courses.
Participation requirements
AfriZert students already demonstrate a good command of English (level B2) at the beginning. There are no further prerequisites for participation in the lecture series M3.1 and the first language course M3.3 in the winter term. For the participation in the seminar M3.2 and the language course M3.4 in the summer term, the successful completion of the respective previous course is considered a prerequisite for participation.
Course contents
In the context of M3, basics for the understanding of language & communication in African contexts are laid. In the process, an awareness develops of how diverse the contexts of use relations and manifestations of African languages and literatures are. In addition, further applied language skills, preferably in an African lingua franca, are acquired.
In the introductory lecture series 'Language Encounters' (M 3.1) students learn about the diversity of African languages in everyday situations, in political discourses and in various media and artistic manifestations. In this context, the teaching of the role of language for colonization as well as the importance of African languages in contemporary political and media contexts is particularly important (see in-depth seminar M3.2). Language skills in an African language (or lingua franca) are acquired in modules 3.3 and 3.4.
Learning & qualification objectives
The acquisition of Africa-specific language skills significantly facilitates academic and/or professional stays abroad and enables more in-depth experiences and more complex exchanges compared to purely English-based communication. In addition, good multilingual foreign language skills are essential for today's work environments.
The module 'Language & Communication' thus first opens the horizon for an understanding of language diversity and language use in Africa. In addition, through the critical examination of languages, literatures, media, and philosophy in Africa as well as postcolonial theory, important foundations are laid for the competent interaction in multilingual contexts that will be required in later professional life.
More information about study and examination procedures, the calculation of credit points and student work performance as well as the potential possibility to have external courses (e.g. at the home university) recognized for afriZert be found in the module handbook.